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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm

Annual Sunspots Dataset

The following dataset is downloaded from (silso stands for sunspot index and long term solar observations). Data description can be found here: There are five columns:

  1. Column 1 is the year (2020.5 refers to the year 2020 for example)
  2. Column 2 is the yearly mean total sunspot number (this is obtained by taking a simple arithmetic mean of the daily sunspot number over all the days for that year)
  3. Column 3 is the yearly mean standard deviation of the input sunspot numbers from individual stations (-1 indicates missing value)
  4. Column 4 is the number of observations used to compute the yearly mean sunspot number (-1 indicates a missing value)
  5. Column 5 is a definitive/provisional marker (1 indicates that the data point is definitive, and 0 indicates that it is still provisional)

We shall work with the data in column 2 (yearly mean total sunspot number).

#annual sunspots dataset:
sunspots = pd.read_csv('SN_y_tot_V2.0.csv', header = None, sep = ';')
sunspots.columns = ['year', 'sunspotsmean', 'sunspotssd', 'sunspotsnobs', 'isdefinitive']
        0     1    2  3  4
0  1700.5   8.3 -1.0 -1  1
1  1701.5  18.3 -1.0 -1  1
2  1702.5  26.7 -1.0 -1  1
3  1703.5  38.3 -1.0 -1  1
4  1704.5  60.0 -1.0 -1  1
     year  sunspotsmean  sunspotssd  sunspotsnobs  isdefinitive
0  1700.5           8.3        -1.0            -1             1
1  1701.5          18.3        -1.0            -1             1
2  1702.5          26.7        -1.0            -1             1
3  1703.5          38.3        -1.0            -1             1
4  1704.5          60.0        -1.0            -1             1
5  1705.5          96.7        -1.0            -1             1
6  1706.5          48.3        -1.0            -1             1
7  1707.5          33.3        -1.0            -1             1
8  1708.5          16.7        -1.0            -1             1
9  1709.5          13.3        -1.0            -1             1
y = sunspots['sunspotsmean']
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6))
plt.xlabel('Time (year)')
plt.ylabel('Number of sunspots')
plt.title('Annual sunspots data')
0     8.3
1    18.3
2    26.7
3    38.3
4    60.0
Name: sunspotsmean, dtype: float64
<Figure size 1000x600 with 1 Axes>

We will fit the sinusoidal model:

yt=β0+β1cos(2πft)+β2sin(2πft)+ϵty_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cos(2 \pi f t) + \beta_2 \sin(2 \pi f t) + \epsilon_t

with ϵt\epsilon_t being i.i.d N(0,σ2)N(0, \sigma^2). When ff is known, this is a linear regression model. We can fit this model to the data and see how good the fit is while varying ff. This will give us an idea of which frequencies give good fits to the data. Later we shall consider ff as an unknown parameter and discuss estimation and inference for ff.

#Let us try some frequencies to get  intuition:
n = len(y)
x = np.arange(1, n+1)
f = 1/10
f = 1/11 #wikipedia article on sunspots states that the sunspots periodicity is 11
f = 1/4
f = 1/15
sinvals = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x)
cosvals = np.cos(2 * np.pi * f * x)
X = np.column_stack([np.ones(n), sinvals, cosvals])
md = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()

plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6))
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:           sunspotsmean   R-squared:                       0.007
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.001
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     1.116
Date:                Tue, 04 Feb 2025   Prob (F-statistic):              0.329
Time:                        22:55:55   Log-Likelihood:                -1800.7
No. Observations:                 325   AIC:                             3607.
Df Residuals:                     322   BIC:                             3619.
Df Model:                           2                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const         78.8250      3.437     22.937      0.000      72.064      85.586
x1            -0.2960      4.862     -0.061      0.951      -9.860       9.268
x2             7.2543      4.858      1.493      0.136      -2.303      16.812
Omnibus:                       29.766   Durbin-Watson:                   0.364
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               36.312
Skew:                           0.817   Prob(JB):                     1.30e-08
Kurtosis:                       2.905   Cond. No.                         1.42

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
<Figure size 1000x600 with 1 Axes>

Now we treat ff also as an unknown parameter. The MLE of ff can be found as follows. Define:

crit(f):=minβ0,β1,β2t=1n(ytβ0β1cos(2πft)β2sin(2πft))2\text{crit}(f) := \min_{\beta_0, \beta_1, \beta_2} \sum_{t=1}^n \left( y_t - \beta_0 - \beta_1 \cos(2 \pi f t) - \beta_2 \sin(2 \pi f t) \right)^2

and then minimize crit(f)\text{crit}(f) over all ff to obtain f^\hat{f}.

def crit(f):
    x = np.arange(1, n+1)
    xcos = np.cos(2 * np.pi * f * x)
    xsin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x)
    X = np.column_stack([np.ones(n), xcos, xsin])
    md = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
    rss = np.sum(md.resid ** 2)
    return rss

Evaluate crit(f)\text{crit}(f) at some standard values of ff to get a feel for which frequencies fit the data well.


Now we proceed to minimization of crit(f)\text{crit}(f) over ff. We take a grid of values in the range [0,0.5][0, 0.5] and do a numerical minimization over the grid.

gridres = 0.00001
allfvals = np.arange(0, 0.5, gridres)
critvals = np.array([crit(f) for f in allfvals])
#if this code is taking too long, you can increase gridres slightly

The MLE is approximated by the minimizer of crit(f)\text{crit}(f) over the grid values.

fhatmle = allfvals[np.argmin(critvals)]

The MLE of the period equals the reciprocal of f^\hat{f}:


The MLE of ff is 11.0023.

Here is a plot of crit(f)\text{crit}(f) over ff.

plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
plt.plot(allfvals, critvals)
<Figure size 1200x600 with 1 Axes>

While there is a single clear minimizer of crit(f)\text{crit}(f), there seem to be many smaller local minima. Also the plot is overall quite nonsmooth. The function crit(f)\text{crit}(f) is quite closely related to the periodogram as we shall see in the next class. The periodogram is a standard time series data analysis tool.

Next we perform Bayesian inference. We compute the posterior density that was derived in class (numerically over the grid). For this grid, we exclude the boundary values 0 and 0.5 because the determinant term equals infinite at these frequencies.

gridres = 0.00001
allfvals = np.arange(0.001, 0.499, gridres)

The function for calcualating the posterior density is given below. Instead of calculating the posterior directly, we first calculate its logarithm because of numerical reasons.

def logpost(f):
    x = np.arange(1, n+1)
    xcos = np.cos(2 * np.pi * f * x)
    xsin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x)
    X = np.column_stack([np.ones(n), xcos, xsin])
    p = X.shape[1]
    md = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
    rss = np.sum(md.resid ** 2)
    sgn, log_det = np.linalg.slogdet(, X)) #sgn gives the sign of the determinant (in our case, this should 1)
    #log_det gives the logarithm of the absolute value of the determinant
    logval = ((p-n)/2) * np.log(rss) - (0.5)*log_det
    return logval
logpostvals = np.array([logpost(f) for f in allfvals])

Now we exponentiate the log-posterior values to get the posterior values. We first substract a constant value to make sure there are no large positive log-values before exponentiating them.

postvals = np.exp(logpostvals - np.max(logpostvals))
postvals = postvals/(np.sum(postvals))
plt.plot(allfvals, logpostvals)
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

The above plot looks similar to the plot of crit(f)\text{crit}(f) (except it is upside down). The maximizer of the posterior density is exactly the same as the MLE.


Let us now provide a credible 95% interval for ff. This is an interval for which the posterior probability is more than 0.95. We can do this as follows. The following function takes an input value mm and compute the posterior probability assigned to the interval f^mδ,f^+mδ\hat{f} - m*\delta, \hat{f} + m*\delta where δ is the grid resolution that we used for computing the posterior.

def PostProbAroundMax(m):
    est_ind = np.argmax(postvals)
    ans = np.sum(postvals[(est_ind-m):(est_ind+m)])

We now start with a small value of mm (say m=0m = 0) and keep increasing it until the posterior probability reaches 0.95.


So the posterior probability reaches 0.95 at m=28m = 28. This lets us compute the credible interval for ff in the following way.

est_ind = np.argmax(postvals)
f_est = allfvals[est_ind]
#95% credible interval for f:
ci_f_low = allfvals[est_ind - 28]
ci_f_high = allfvals[est_ind + 28]
print(np.array([f_est, ci_f_low, ci_f_high]))
[0.09089 0.09061 0.09117]

This interval can be inverted to compute the credible interval for the period 1/f1/f:

#For the period (1/frequency)
print(np.array([1/f_est, 1/ci_f_high, 1/ci_f_low]))
[11.00231049 10.96852035 11.03630946]