Load packages
Internet useage
www = as_tsibble(WWWusage)
# Fit models
www_fit = www |>
model(SES = ETS(value ~ error("A") + trend("N") + season("N")),
Holt = ETS(value ~ error("A") + trend("A") + season("N")),
Damped = ETS(value ~ error("A") + trend("Ad") + season("N")))
# Make forecasts
www_fit |>
forecast(h = 10) |>
mutate(.model = factor(.model, levels = c("SES", "Holt", "Damped"))) |>
autoplot(www) +
labs(x = "Minute", y = "Number of users",
title = "Internet usage per minute") +
facet_grid(vars(.model)) + theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())
# Inspect fitted coefficients
www_fit |> select(SES) |> coef()
www_fit |> select(Holt) |> coef()
www_fit |> select(Damped) |> coef()
Australian holiday travel
holiday = tourism |>
filter(Purpose == "Holiday") |>
summarize(Trips = sum(Trips)/1e3)
# Fit Holt-Winters model
holiday_fit = holiday |>
model(HoltWinters = ETS(Trips ~ error("A") + trend("A") +
season("A", period = 4)))
# Make forecasts
holiday_fit |> forecast(h = "3 years") |>
autoplot(holiday) +
labs(y = "Overnight trips (millions)",
title =" Australian holiday travel") + theme_bw()
ETS decomposition
# Fit additive and multiplicative Holt-Winters
holiday_fit = holiday |>
HWAdd = ETS(Trips ~ error("A") + trend("A") +
season("A", period = 4)),
HWMult = ETS(Trips ~ error("A") + trend("A") +
season("M", period = 4)))
# Inspect fitted coefficients---note that gamma is really tiny in both models,
# which means that the seasonal pattern doesn't change much over time
holiday_fit |> select(HWAdd) |> coef()
holiday_fit |> select(HWMult) |> coef()
# An example of how we would pull out the components
holiday_fit |> select(HWAdd) |> components() |> head(10)
# Plot the decomposition according to the components
## Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
## combine
g1 = holiday_fit |> select(HWAdd) |> components() |> autoplot() +
labs(title = "Holt-Winters: additive seasonality", subtitle = NULL) +
g2 = holiday_fit |> select(HWMult) |> components() |> autoplot() +
labs(title = "Holt-Winters: multiplicative seasonality", subtitle = NULL) +
grid.arrange(g1, g2, ncol = 2)
## Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
## Removed 4 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).